While I believe that statement is true, I've read a recent British study that states "Over the festive period, which seems to kick off earlier and earlier every year, the average person could consume an extra 500 kcal's per day, equating to a weight gain of around 5lb by the time we reach the beginning of the New Year."
So do you really want to start your resolution 5 pounds in the hole? Of course not! Here are a few tips to use as we head into Christmas and New Year's to help you stay on track!
- Keep your workout routine even if you're not heading into work. The best thing to do would be to hit the gym at whatever time you normally would, but even if you decide to sleep in an hour later, hit the gym for the same amount of time you would on a regular day. If your club is closed, try to sub out an at home workout like a walk, run, or some other type of activity.
- Don't write off the entire day because you had one bad addition to your diet. It's so easy to say, "well I already ate 2 cookies at lunch, I might as eat whatever I want for dinner." This is a trap I find myself in all the time. A trick I'm a fan of is to ask, "how do I want to feel in 3 hours?" Because the choice you make in the moment will start to effect your mood about three hours later.
- Stick with the hard stuff when drinking. Yep, go straight for the Jack! Wines and beers act on the body the same way sugars do. They'll cause a blood sugar spike and you'll be much more tempted to hit up the cookie table later in the evening to sustain that spike.
- Finally, the simplest, but probably hardest, portion control. There will be a lot of awesome stuff put out in front of you over the next few days. Go ahead and try a little of it all...but keep it to just a taste!
Those are all the tips I have for the holiday season. I'll do my best to stick to them and I hope they help you out too.
The Race to Any Place
If you're interested in racing, email kenpresutti@gmail.com asap. Get more info on the race here. We only have 7 more open seats!
Weekly Schedule
If you're interested in racing, email kenpresutti@gmail.com asap. Get more info on the race here. We only have 7 more open seats!
Weekly Schedule
Monday 5:45am @ LA Fitness - Standard Class w/o Ken (I am no longer teaching at this time, but leave you in very capable hands!)
Monday @ Rivers Club - Christmas Class w/ Ken
Tuesday 5:45 @ LA Fitness - No AM Class at LA Fitness (Gym Opens at 8am)
Tuesday 5:45 @ LA Fitness - No AM Class at LA Fitness (Gym Opens at 8am)
Wednesday @ Rivers Club - No Class, Rivers Club closed
Friday 5:00am @ LA Fitness - Standard Class w/ Ken
Is tomorrow spin class at 5:00 not 5:45?